Thursday, May 12, 2005

Good Ol' Fashon Justice

A man in Grahm tried to steal a 1967 Camaro Wednesday morning. He figured it would be an easy deal even if he got caught since car theft isn't generally prosecuted around here. He didn't count on being caught by the owner and his roommate who sent him to the hospital in critical condition. The would-be thief, Edward Zanassi, has a repeat criminal history including auto theft, identify theft, and drug charges. I say he had it coming.


Unknown said...

If those two people get prosecuted that will definitely frost my wookie...

Neemund said...

My wookie is already frosted with the thought that this guy was trying to steal the car in the first place. He did it because he knew that he could get away with it. If he was caught by the police he would get a slap on the wrist and mild chastisement at the absolute worst. It’s about time people started standing up for themselves and realize that it is not the job of the police to prevent crimes; if it was you could sue the police every time you were the victim of a crime because they failed to do their job.

The Shadow Walker said...

As Brian Suits said, "You have every right to defend your junk!"

Have you talked to your Grandpa yet concerning this? I wonder what he is saying aobut it, given his garage and his locale.

Neemund said...

Although his neighbor was featured on America's Most Wanted a few years ago I highly doubt he'd miss anything if someone started walking off with his junk. Probably wouldn't even notice.

Sherri said...

Just wondering if any of you knew Eddie? I did went to high school with him...... It's weird how someone that used to be so nice, and quite turned out dying this way...