Monday, May 23, 2005

Good Ol' Fashon Justice (follow up)

The two men responsible for defending their car will not be facing criminal charges for the death of the Edward Zanassi, who tried to steal their 1967 Camero. The county prosecutor also said that they may start treating auto theft as a crime and prosecute those who do it.


Unknown said...

Very good.

Toad734 said...

what do you mean "may start treating it as a crime"?

Neemund said...

If you get caught stealing cars more than 5 times you might end up with community service hours and probation, but only if you have a really crappy lawyer.

The Shadow Walker said...

Indeed. In most cases, they'll just toss you out of jail unless you've been caught more than five times.

And as for the two guys: "May your actions serve as a warning to all the other car-thiefs and remind them that life is not GTA."

Toad734 said...

Just curious as to what they do to a guy that has a quarter ounce of weed or 2 hits of LSD?

Matt said...

In this city they do nothing. It is officially against policy to arrest or prosecute marijuana users in Seattle.