Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Idaho Wants Your Business

Unlike Washington and Oregon, the government of Idaho wants businesses to locate in their state. Governor Otter wrote a letter to the businesses of Washington, inviting them to relocate in Idaho to avoid the oppressive tax increases currently in the planning stages. Here’s a quote from his letter:
Businesses small and large are the backbone of Idaho’s economy. They employ our citizens, who in turn can provide for their families. Businesses and individuals also pay reasonable taxes that enable State and local governments to provide such essential services as public schools and public safety. And make no mistake: Any business that doesn’t pass along its operating costs to consumers – including their tax bills – doesn’t stay in business for long.
If the losers in Olympia would realize this, our state would become a much better place to work and do business. In the mean time, we can only hope for some change in November, or find a good real estate agent in another state, like Idaho. Read the whole letter from Governor Otter Here.

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