Thursday, February 17, 2005

Your opinion wanted

I want to buy a shirt from Since they have many very cool shirts to choose from which one do you think I should buy and why?


Kate Robinson said...

Just looking at the home page, I like "celebrate diversity," because guns are fun. The "Commies aren't cool" shirt is funny but Che Guevara fans tend to get violent ...
I like "99% of democrats give the rest a bad name."

Anonymous said...

That's funny, I was going to suggest those same shirts but I had to run off to class.

Neemund said...

Right now I'm leaning toward the "Up yours in '08" shirt.

The Shadow Walker said...

The diversity one is great, but I would go with the "Nuke the Moon" one. Why?

Because you are crazy enough to actually do that.

EJB said...

Personally I like the one that has a smiley face and says imagin I world with no libarils(lazy to spell that right). I also like the one that says pave the whales. But for you I agree with Kate.